Text-Only Page Titles

One way to get a quick-loading page is to avoid using images. Many people use images for their page title, but it is possible to get some nice-looking page titles without using images. Here are a few examples.
  1. Find one which you like.
  2. View the source of this page.
  3. Copy the one which you like.
  4. Paste it into your page.
  5. Edit it to suit your needs.

    Charles Kelly's Homepage

    Charles Kelly's Homepage

    Charles Kelly's Homepage

    Charles Kelly's Homepage

    Puzzles and Games

    Charles Kelly's English Lessons

    Learn a Little English

    Having Fun on the Web

    Wild and Wonderful English Study

    The World's Favorite Music

    Charles Kelly

    Nagoya, Japan

    Charles Kelly

    English Department, Aichi Institute of Technology
    Toyota, Japan

    Charles Kelly

    English Department, Aichi Institute of Technology
    Toyota, Japan

    The following are a few which I am currently using.

    Charles I. Kelly's Home Page

    Links to My Web Pages, HyperCard Stacks & Photos

    Standard MIDI Files on the Net
    The List of Sites With MIDI Files

    This is an extensive list of sites which have standard MIDI files. Standard MIDI files can be used by almost any MIDI music sequencer, MIDI player or MIDI plugin.

    The following one assumes that your computer can display Japanese.

    Nagoya & Central Japan Links

    English & Japanese - 英語と日本語

    MIDI Players, MIDI Plugins, & Karaoke Players

    IBM PC & Compatibles | Macintosh | Amiga | Other

    These are sample which I made for another project I did.

    The MIDI File Junkyard

    The MIDI File Junkyard

    Maintained by John Smith

    The MIDI File Junkyard

    MIDI Files of Songs by Junk Rock Bands

    The MIDI File Junkyard

    MIDI Files of Songs by Junk Rock Bands

    The MIDI File Junkyard

    MIDI files produced by John Smith

    The MIDI File Junkyard

    John Smith's Favorite MIDI Files

    The MIDI File Junkyard

    The MIDI File Junkyard

    The MIDI File Junkyard

    * MIDI File Cabinet *

    The MIDI File Junkyard

    The MIDI File Dance Party
    Disco, Techno, Rock'n'Roll & Other Dance Music

    John Smith's Compositions
    Standard MIDI Files

    The MIDI File Storehouse
    MIDI Files Sequenced by John Smith

    A Barrel of MIDI Files

    MIDI Files of
    Beethoven's Symphonies

    Sequenced by John Smith.

    Super-Duper MIDI Files
    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    MIDI File Amusement Park

    - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
    John Smith's MIDI File Wonderland
    - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -

    The MIDI File Bank

    A JavaScript Randomly Chosen MIDI File

    MIDI Files for Dancers

    MIDI Files for Dancers

    The MIDI File Storehouse
    MIDI Files Sequenced by John Smith

    A JavaScript Embed/Bgsound Page