The Internet TESL Journal

Teacher & Class Evaluation Questionaires

This is a collection of teacher and class evaluation questionaires used by various schools with their ESL classes. You can use these as a reference to put together your own evaluation questionaire or to improve an existing one.

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Course Evaluation sheet

Please answer the questions below. Circle one answer for each question.
1)  Why did you decide to take this course?

2)  Has your listening improved after taking this course?  

     Yes		No		Not Sure		Can't Judge 			
3)  Has your pronunciation improved after taking this course? 

     Yes		No		Not Sure		Can't Judge		

4)  Has your speaking improved after taking this course?  

     Yes		No		Not Sure		Can't Judge
5)  Has your writing improved after taking this course? 

     Yes 		No		Not Sure		Can't Judge		

6)  Were the lessons useful?

      Yes 		No

7)  Were the lessons interesting?

      Yes		No 		

8)  Were the text books useful?

     Yes		No

9)  Did using the software help you to improve your English?

     Yes 		No

10) Write down the titles of the software you found useful in the space below


11)  How often did you do homework?
     Always		Usually	Sometimes		Never

12)  How many times were you absent?

     0		Less than 5	More than 5 (write the number here     )

13)  Were the lesson times convenient?

     Yes		No

14)  What were the good points of this course (select three from the following

Interesting texts

Good teacher

I could sometimes study using computers 

The class helped me improve my English skills

I could communicate with people from other cultures

Convenient lesson times

Other (write here							)

15)  Write down any changes that you think should be made to this course.

16)  Do you plan to continue studying English in the future?

       Yes		No

We value your input, thank you for your consideration.  


California State University, Northridge

The questions are: agree strongly - agree - disagree - disagree strongly

The Teacher

  1. The teacher pays attention to me in class
  2. The teacher arrives on time
  3. The teacher is friendly
  4. The teacher is helpful
  5. I can understand the teacher's explanations

The Class

  1. The class has helped me to improve my English
  2. The English level of this class is right for me
  3. The homework helps me to learn more
  4. The class assignments are useful
  5. The books are helpful
A. What did you like most about the class and/or teacher?

B. What changes would you like to make in this class?

Aichi Institute of Technology

 1. Do you think your English has improved?
    Hearing        Yes    No
    Speaking       Yes    No
    Reading        Yes    No
    Writing        Yes    No
    Spelling       Yes    No
    Pronunciation  Yes    No
 2. What do you think about the amount of homework?
    Too much homework    Just right    Not enough homework
 3. Do you think the homework helped you learn English?
    Yes    A little    No
 4. What did you think of this class?
    a.  Interesting   Average           Boring
    b.  Easy          Just right        Difficult
    c.  Useful        A little useful   Not so useful
 5. What did you think of the textbook?
    a.  Interesting   Average          Boring
    b.  Easy          Just right       Difficult
    c.  Useful        A little useful  Not so useful
 6. What do you think of your teacher?
    a.  Interesting             Average               Boring
    b.  Used too much Japanese  Just enough Japanese  Not enough Japanese
    c.  Helpful                 A little Helpful      Not helpful
 7. Did you enjoy your English class?    Yes    No
 8. How do you compare this class to other English classes you have taken?
    More interesting    Same    Less interesting
 9. How much could you understand at the beginning of the year?
    10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
10. How much can you understand now?
    10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
11. About how many times were you absent from class?
    0    1    2    3    4    5      more than 5
12. What were some good points about this class? (You may write in Japanese.)

13.  What were some bad points. (You may write in Japanese.)

Miyazaki International College

Teacher Evaluation Questionaire

Please give your honest opinion about your English Two course Instructor. Your comments are confidential and will help guide us in revising the course in the future. Circle the letters that correspondswith your opinion for each statement.

SA=Strongly A=agree N=no opinion D=disagree SD=strongly agree disagree

Teacher: Amie Ogasawara

1.	The teacher had a positive attitude	SA A N D SD
   towards the students.

2.	The teacher was prepared for class.	SA A N D SD

3.	The teacher was enthusiastic about	SA A N D SD

4.	The teacher's lessons were relevant	SA A N D SD
   to the course goals, and meaningful.

5.	The teacher presented the lessons	SA A N D SD

6.	The teacher was available for help	SA A N D SD
   when I needed it.

7.	The teacher respected me as an	SA A N D SD

8.	The teacher cares about the students.	SA A N D SD

9.	I would like to take another class	SA A N D SD
   with this teacher.

10.	I would recommend this teacher to	SA A N D SD
    other students at our school.

Course Evaluation

This is pretty course specific, but perhaps you can use some of the ideas.

Evaluation of English Two

Fall, 1995
Amie Ogasawara

Please give your honest opinion about your English Two course. Your comments are confidential and will help guide us in revising the course in the future. Circle the letters that correspondswith your opinion for each statement.

SA=Strongly A=agree N=no opinion D=disagree SD=strongly agree disagree

Teacher: Amie Ogasawara

About the course
A. Writing
1.	During this course, I learned how to SA A N D SD
better organize my ideas for writing.

2.	I learned and practiced how to write SA A N D SD
a good topic sentence.

3.	My writing is more cohesive now	SA A N D SD
than when I began this course.

4.	I understand the importance of	SA A N D SD
writing more than one draft of
an assignment before I turn it in.

B. Computer work
5.	Comments I received from on-line	SA A N D SD
writing labs were helpful to me.

6.	I may use the on-line writing labs	SA A N D SD
for future assignments in other
classes at MIC.

7.	Looking through the newsgroups was	SA A N D SD

8.	I think that newsgroups may be	SA A N D SD
helpful in my future research.

9.	I now have some idea how to	SA A N D SD
do research via the internet.

C. The debate
The debate helped me in the following ways: 
o Presentation skills	SA A N D SD

o To think about my topic in
more depth than I would have	SA A N D SD

o To research my topic	SA A N D SD

o To write about my topic	SA A N D SD

o To think spontaneously and critically
about arguments presented by the	SA A N D SD
other team

o To form questions	SA A N D SD

D. Overall
11.	Overall, this course gave me	SA A N D SD
practice and confidence in my

12.	This course helped me to be more	SA A N D SD
comfortable with the computer as a
tool for writing and research.

Please use the space under each of the following questions for further comments:

1.	What were the strong points of this course?

2.	What were the problem areas of this course?

3.	What suggestions do you have for making this course better in the

An ongoing project of
The Internet TESL Journal
Started in Vol. II, No. 3, March 1996