The Internet TESL Journal

Ten 5-Minute Activites to Keep Young ESL/EFL Learners on Their Toes

Nina Lauder
ninatrabajo ]at[
Seville, Spain


Anyone who has worked with young learners is well aware of how active children can be. As children have lots of extra energy and tend to have shorter attention spans than older learners, it is important for the teachers to develop a series of ‘up the sleeve’ activities to keep their classes moving at a good pace and to keep the children ‘on their toes’.  This article includes a variety of five minute activities which help spice up the EFL class and maintain children’s attention.

Blackboard Activities

Physical Response Activities

When working with large groups of young learners it is important to be prepared for the unexpected. Children, like adults, are unpredictable hence, as teachers, we should always be ready to change the pace of the class and channel the children’s energy.

Have fun and good luck keeping them on their toes!

The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. XIII, No. 8, August 2007