Common Words 3

Click on each box to enter letters in the crossword puzzle, then press the Check Answers button. If you are stuck, press the Hint button to get a letter.

1 2
3 4 5
6 7
8 9
10 11


1. ___ is your name?
3. ___ happy!
4. I'd like a cup ___ coffee, please.
6. Put it ___ the drawer.
8. Don't get ___ trouble.
10. He studied, ___ he passed.
11. I ___ your new teacher.
12. Past of go


1. ___ need our passports today.
2. He never goes ___ church.
5. They're ___ Canada.
6. ___ is hot today.
7. Opposite of yes
8. This ___ my book.
9. I'm doing my homework ___.
11. The meeting is ___ noon.
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