Tell Me More - Teacher's Notes

Chapter 6: "What does she look

1) "What does she look like?" Title Page - Input

Page 79

079.gif The title page presents vocabulary of the body, the face, and appearance. There will be a number of unfamiliar terms to talk about here, which can be referred to in conjunction with the pictures in Activity 6) Faces - "Which one?"' for ease of explanation and clarity.

2) & 3) - "In my free time" & "Call my bluff"

Page 80


2) "In my free time" - review Teachers' Resource

To go with page 80

Reviewing "Habits and hobbies and routines", this Teachers' Resource once more has the students accessing information from each other.

Each student receives a role card ("In my free time") and a "Find these people" card (Teachers' Resource). There is a lot of information of the role card, so it won't be practical to ask students to memorize it. However, it can be stressed that they should not show their "identity" to classmates.

Students then have to find out who matches each of the statements on their "Find these people" cards. There will be different people for each statement, and some of the pastimes are quite similar, so students will have to pay attention to detail, as well as forming their own questions.

3) "Call my bluff" Teachers' Resource Groups (25 minutes)

To go with page 80

This game is based on a TV game popular in England not so long ago (!), and can be a pleasant and not-too-taxing way of using up the final moments of the session. Alternatively it can be an enjoyable and stimulating way of learning new vocabulary at any time.

In this case the words were chosen for interest value, but they can be related to the learning material, or better still, the students can make their own version of the game, when they will delve into dictionaries in an effort to confound the opposing team.

Each team has three members, and each member has a "Call my bluff" sheet (Teachers' Resource). Each person in Team A then reads his/her definition for the first word, and Team B has to choose which one is correct. Team A will also have to check this by looking in their own dictionaries.

The game proceeds with the different words being read in turn. The intention at this point is to introduce the activity in an enjoyable manner, but follow-up activities can be more applicable to the learning goals for the particular lessons.

4) "The face and upper body" Individuals - Pairs - Groups (15 minutes)

Page 81

081.jpg Most of the vocabulary for this activity appears on the title page, so the main problem for students will be to decide which terms fit the appropriate part of the face or upper body. However, there are some parts which have not been given, and students will have to find these out (knuckle, finger-nail, little finger, index finger).

This exercise can start as an individual activity, students gradually asking each other and sharing information.

5) "Parts of the body" Individuals - Pairs - Groups (15 minutes)

Page 82

082.jpg This exercise is similar to the previous one and can be performed together with it. The terms are now supplied on the same page, and students should have little trouble matching them.

6) Faces - "Which one?" Groups (20 minutes)

Pages 83, 84 & 85

085.gif084.gif083.gif There are two games on this page. These are variants of the "20 questions" format with which students are already familiar. These can then be developed by choosing someone in the class as the subject! (See the next activity.)

7) "20 questions" "What does she look like?" Groups (20 minutes)

Page 86

086.gif This is the follow-up suggested in the previous activity, and requires students to ask questions about the appearance of classmates. Vocabulary given is the same as that on the title page.

The game can be made more difficult by making sure that a limit of 20 questions is set, in which case the person choosing the "face" can keep a tally.

8) "Make a face" Pairs (20 minutes)

Page 87

087.jpg The theme of describing facial features is kept alive and given more practice by asking the students to design two faces and then to "dictate" them to a partner, who shows comprehension by drawing them on the blank faces on his/her page.

It is hoped that by this stage students will be able to talk about and describe their family and friends using the terms in this half of the book.

9) "Lost and found" (plus Teachers' Resources) Pairs/Whole class (30 minutes)

Pages 88 & 89

089.gif088.gif This activity reviews a number of useful aspects of language. It can take as long as wished!

It is good to have students sitting in two lines, facing each other. The teacher gives each (facing) pair of students a set of eight "Lost and found" cards (Teachers' Resource), and they note down the characteristics of these items (size, material, colour, number, shape, appearance) on the worksheet (students' book). In the second stage of the activity, the teacher gives "dialogue" role-cards (Teachers' Resource) to the students. All the "customers" (Students A) then stand up and visit different Students B, who are the "Lost Property Officers". Each Student A takes the worksheet, but leaves the "Lost and found" cards with Student B. Student A then asks the new Student B if he/she has one of the "missing" items. Student B asks "What does it look like?" (etc.), and Student A has to describe the item. When something is "found", it is given to Student A, who has to try to find all eight items (without visiting his/her original partner).

9) "Lost and found" Teachers' Resources

10) Have You Ever...? Pairs (25 minutes)

Pages 90 & 91


11) "The wedding" (plus Teachers' Resource) Groups (15 minutes)

Page 92

092.jpg Peer-dictation is a useful activity for a number of reasons, not least of which is that the students usually become very involved. Here, the traditional wedding ceremony is the subject of the text. This is a popular topic with students, and should be a stimulating way to finish the "description" chapter, in conjunction with the Free-Talking activity.

11) "The wedding" Teachers' Resource

To go with pages 92, 93 & 94

The text is put on the wall, and one student from each group memorizes and then dictates each phrase to his/her group. Students check each other's pronunciation and diction by asking for clarification, and an element of competition can be added by asking them to return completed dictations to the teacher. The first group to do this in its entirety is the winner.

12 ) "Marriage" Pairs/Groups (15 minutes)

Pages (92), 93 & 94

094.jpg093.jpg Free-Talking about marriage. Both pictures were taken in Korea, but only the bottom one is of a traditional wedding. There should be plenty to talk about here, in addition to the questions offered.

Next Chapter of the Teacher's Notes

Links to the Students's Book
Contents | 1 | Skills | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Extra

Tell Me More - Task-based Conversation Activities
By Andrew Finch and Hyun Tae-duck