EFL/ESL Lessons Using Web Sites

Content-oriented Lessons in PDF Format
By Scott South (Petroleum Insitute, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
You will need the free Acrobat Reader to view these files.
If you discover that one of these web sites has changed and that a lesson is outdated, please let us know (Contact).
The date of the last update (Year - Month - Date) of each lesson is shown.

Last Updated in June of 2005

  • These lessons are very likely to be too outdated to be used "as is."
  • We have left these online for for the following reasons.
    • Teachers may want to refer to these to help them create similar activities.
    • Historians may be interested.
  • If you haven't seen our EFL/ESL Lessons and Lesson Plans section yet, you may want to visit it.

This web-based textbook is hosted by The Internet TESL Journal at iteslj.org/t/ws/.
You are given permission to print out and duplicate these lessons to be used by your own students.
Any other use requires written permission.