The Internet TESL Journal

A Four-Unit EFL Course for Adults - Unit 3

Getting to know each other, In a restaurant, Write a restaurant dialog, Menu quiz, Pronunciation practice and quiz

Getting To Know Each Other . . . . . Partner 1

  1. ____________________ . Do you like sports?
  2. ____________________ . Do you listen to the radio every day?
  3. ____________________ . Do you like spaghetti?
  4. ____________________ . Did you eat breakfast this morning?
  5. ____________________ . Did you read a book this week?
  6. ____________________ . Do you use the telephone often?
  7. ____________________ . Is your birthday in July?
  8. ____________________ . What do you like to cook?
  9. ____________________ . Was English difficult in high school?
  10. ____________________ . Is your family from Nagoya?

Getting To Know Each Other . . . . . Partner 2

  1. ____________________ . Do you like to study?
  2. ____________________ . Do you go shopping often?
  3. ____________________ . Do you enjoy watching television?
  4. ____________________ . Did you go to _________ last summer?
  5. ____________________ . Did you talk to your friend recently?
  6. ____________________ . Did you play sports recently?
  7. ____________________ . Is your house near _______________?
  8. ____________________ . Do you like summer?
  9. ____________________ . Was your father a _____________?
  10. ____________________ . Were you a good student?

At a Restaurant

The waitress:

Smoking or non-smoking?
This way, please.
Would you like something to drink?
What kind of beer would you like?
Are you ready to order?
How would you like your steak?
.....(rare, medium, well done)
How would you like your potato?
.....(baked, mashed, fried, French fries)
What vegetable would you like?
What kind of salad dressing would you like?
How would you like your coffee?
.....(black, cream, sugar, decaf)
Would you care for dessert?
Is everything all right?

The customer:

Waitress! / Waiter!
Coffee, please.
Do you have apple pie?
I'd like a hamburger, please.
This is cold.
Check, please.

In a Coffee Shop

A Coffee, please.
B Cream or sugar?
A Black. Do you have decaf?
.....(decaffeinated coffee)
B Yes, we do.
A I'll take decaf.

In a Fast Food Store

A Two cheeseburgers, fries and a coke, please.
B What size coke and fries?
A Medium coke, small fries.
B It'll take about 3 minutes. Is that OK?
A Sure.

In a Restaurant

A A table for two, please.
B Smoking or non-smoking?
A Non-smoking.
B This way, please. . . . Would you like something to drink?
A A bottle of your house white wine.
B Here you are. . . . . . . Are you ready to order?
A I'll have a sirloin steak with a baked potato and onion soup.
B How would you like your steak?
A Medium.
B What kind of salad dressing would you like?
A What do you have?
B Thousand Island, French, Italian and Russian.
A Thousand Island.
B What would you like for dessert?
A Nothing, thanks.
B . . . . . . Is everything OK?
A Yes, everything's fine.

Make a Shopping Dialog With Your Partner









Quiz . . . . Mangy Moose

  1. Is this an expensive restaurant?

  2. Is the salad bar big?

  3. How much are two dozen wings?

  4. How much is coconut cream pie?

  5. How much is Alaskan King Crab?

  6. How much is Beef Stir Fry?

  7. What is made from scratch daily?

  8. Can you find a Japanese word?

  9. What restaurant would you like to go to?

  10. What would you like to order?

Pronunciation . . . . . . . Consonants

you    zoo     black   bread   beauty     draw     dwell     fly      from    few
use    zero    blood   break   bugle      dream    dwarf     floor    front   future
year   zebra   blow    break   beautiful  dress    dweller   flat     friend  fuse	

glad   great   human   class   cry        quit     place     present  school  screen
glass  green   humor   clean   crazy      quick    play      pretty   sky     scream
glove  grow    huge    climb   cream      quiet    please    price    score   screw
1. a. glass b. grass 6. a. very b. berry
2. a. Sue b. zoo 7. a. climb b. crime
3. a. hues b. fuse 8. a. grow b. glow
4. a. fly b. fry 9. a. scream b. screen
5. a. pray b. play 10. a. police b. please

For the Teacher | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4

The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. III, No. 5, May 1997