Internet Basics for ESL Students
keywords: bandwidth, server, domain, TCP/IP, modem, cyberspace, ISP, bps.
Lesson 7
Internet Service Providers
Dialogue 1: Picking an Internet Service Provider
Which of the following do ISPs supply?
domain name laptop connection Ethernet FTP ports E-mail address newsgroups modem CD-ROM cyberspace floppy disk mouse monitor password
Reading:There are many ways to use a computer for communication. On-line organizations such as America On-line or Compuserve offer many services like magazines, chat areas and information. Some Internet Service Providers only offer Dial-Up IP connections to the Internet. Usually, the On-line services cost more (many charge by the minute) but are easier to use. ISPs on the other hand offer annual fees and are cheaper.
Dialogue 2: Internet tools
Pair work. Practice the conversation.
Jim: What is Gopher?
Paul: Gopher made information available over a network, but it isn't used anymore.
Jim: Why not?
Paul: The World Wide Web has replaced it.
Jim: What other information tools can I use?
Paul: Other examples are Telnet, FTP, and some of the new push technologies like Pointcast.
exercises: Match keywords with definitions.
1. CPU
2. backup
3. scanner
4. cyberspace
5. delete
a. used to change a photo to a computer file
b. world created by networked computers
c. central processing unit
d. erase a computer file
e. save files on a floppy or tape
Dialogue 3
Word Processors
Use the computer lab's word processor.How do you use the title bar and button bar?
How do you open an existing file and create a new one?
How do you save files?
Visit 4 Okayama ISP's home pages. What services do they offer? How are they different?This is a sub-page of Internet Basics for ESL Students
Lessons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Copyright (C) 1998 by Jim Schweizer (